

253 2024-05-22 01:51 admin



1. 语法:

- announcement是一个名词,表示宣布或公告的内容。

- declaration既可以作为名词,表示宣布或声明的内容,也可以作为动词,表示宣布或声明。

2. 意思:

- announcement通常指公开宣布或通知某个事情,比如新闻公告、广播通知等。

- declaration则更强调宣布或声明某个立场、观点、态度等,比如政治宣言、个人声明等。

3. 用法:

- announcement常常用于宣布某个重大事件、新闻、活动等,通常是由某个机构或组织发布的。

- declaration则通常用于宣布某个立场、观点、态度等,比如政府宣言、个人声明等。

4. 词性:

- announcement是名词,可以作为主语、宾语、定语等。

- declaration可以作为名词,也可以作为动词,作为名词时可以作为主语、宾语、定语等,作为动词时可以用于宣布、声明等。


- The company made an announcement about their new product launch.(公司发布了关于他们新产品发布的公告。)

- The president made a declaration of war against the enemy.(总统宣布对敌人宣战。)

- The government issued an announcement about the new policy.(政府发布了关于新政策的公告。)

- The athlete made a declaration of his intention to retire.(运动员宣布他打算退役。)



1、HP did not offer much of a description in their announcement of his appointment.───惠普公司在任命公告中并没有对此进行详尽的描述。

2、The fact that this announcement came just a week after Whitman's election to HP's board should raise a red flag to shareholders.───惠特曼宣布加盟凯鹏华盈的时间距离入选惠普董事会仅仅只有一周,这一事实应该引起惠普股东们的警惕。

3、ST and Tiger restructuring announcement resume trading after the end of the matter, and their share prices will Yixieqianli.───而*ST泰格公告重组事项结束复牌后,股价便一泻千里。

4、Speaking after the announcement, he said he was taking over at a "critical point" for Greece.───在提名总理的消息宣布后,他说他在希腊的“关键时刻”接手

5、The verdict's announcement over the U. S. holiday -- a year after the conviction -- appeared to be a calculated act of defiance.───中国在确认薛锋有罪一年后,于美国国庆日假期期间宣布对他的判决,这似乎是一个有计划的挑衅行动。

6、After hearing about my background for some time, my distinguished therapist made an announcement: 'You, ' she said, 'are a war orphan. '───在倾听我讲述自己的背景后,我那位杰出的治疗师得出了结论:“你是一位战争孤儿。”


1、Thomas Jefferson produced the Declaration with the aid of a ghostwriter, a woman of color named Betty Mae, who was a non-voluntary worker.───托马斯·杰斐逊的宣言是在一名代笔的帮助下写的,那是一名叫做贝蒂美的有色人种女性,她不是自愿的。

2、Cameron might have opened the door to multiple readings with his declaration that "Avatar" was an environmental parable.───Cameron先生也许想要为读者敞开一扇门,借助《阿凡达》来描绘一个环境寓言。

3、In Ruby, you can define a method inline for a particular instance by putting the variable name at the beginning of the method declaration.───在Ruby中,您可以为某个特定的实例定义一个内联方法,其方法是将变量名称放在方法声明的最前面。

4、George stood out in fair sight, on the top of the rock, as he made this declaration of independence.───乔治发表这篇独立宣言时,站在岩石之巅,轮廓清晰。

5、But China has not agreed to put the goal in any declaration from Copenhagen or to allow progress towards it to be independently monitored.───但中国尚不同意将这一目标写入任何哥本哈根宣言之中,也不同意让其进程受到第三方监控。

6、If it is exporting project, proforma invoice, custom declaration and inspection declaration files must be prepared about this time.───如果是出口项目的活还需准备形式发票、报关和报检方面的文件资料。


法国-香水 CARTIER卡地亚宣言男香以俄罗斯的桦木、意大利的佛手柑、非洲的橘子为前调。

艾草、小豆寇为中调;以香柏木、海地的香草根及橡木苔为后味,令人感受到大自然的生命气息。玻璃瓶上折射成金黄通透的液体, 清澈自然、感觉没有时空与国度、让人舒坦道出心底宣言,可以把爱大胆表明。专为男性设计的卡地亚宣言男香,是特别献给正准备陷入恋爱中的男女,大胆的把心中的爱宣示出来,加上它线条分明的轮廓、纤秀的外形、平滑的瓶身、表现出自然、坦白、毫不虚伪的主调。Declaration瓶身的“肩膀”是一个浪漫的心形:精心设计的金属瓶盖,就像一把锁,象征永志不渝;向下延伸的透明瓶身,表露真心的清澈宁静。右方写着的Declaration de Cartier字样, 明确表达永恒的真爱宣言。

三、ROHS and REACH Declaration of Conformity翻译?

rohs and reach declaration of conformity


四、declaration statement是什么意思?

1、意思不同declaration的意思是官方或正式的公告、宣告、宣言、声明。例句:They will ask you to sign a declaration allowing your doctor to disclose your medical details.他们将要求你签署一份允许医生透露你的身体健康状况的书面声明。statement的意思是正式的说明、声明、陈述、报告。例句:Thestatementbythemilitarydeniedanyinvolvementinlastnight'sattack.军方发表声明称其和昨晚的袭击无任何关系。


3、侧重点不同decalration着重于向外界声明一件事,或证明一件事情。例句:The far-reaching pact has also made sure the Cold War is consigned to history with a joint peace declaration. 随着和平联合声明的发表,这个意义深远的条约也确保冷战成为了历史。statement最常用的意思是“自述”,是当事人做的一种自述信。例句:Sherefusedtomakeastatementtothepolicelestshe(should)incriminateherself.她拒绝向警方作陈述以免受连累。




例句:They will ask you to sign a declaration allowing your doctor to disclose your medical details.



例句:The statement by the military denied any involvement in last night's attack.




例句:On the customs declaration, the sender labeled the freight as agricultural machinery.



例句:Nearly a year later, it was agreed that Tom would be statemented.




例句:The far-reaching pact has also made sure the Cold War is consigned to history with a joint peace declaration.



例句:She refused to make a statement to the police lest she (should) incriminate herself.



PHP原始为Personal Home Page的缩写,现已正式更名为Hypertext Preprocesso,中文名称为超文本预处理器。





add.php 的作用是用于将用户输入的数据添加到数据库中。它可以在前端页面的表单中获取用户输入的数据,并将这些数据传递到后端的 add.php 文件中,通过服务器端脚本语言 PHP 处理和验证数据的合法性,然后将数据存储到相应的数据库表中。

通过 add.php,我们可以方便地实现数据的添加、修改和删除等操作,使网站的数据操作功能更加完善和易用。同时,可以通过添加一些安全机制,确保前端传递的数据的安全性和可靠性。

九、如何解决“implicit declaration of function<函数名>”错误?

这个错误表示这个函数或变量还没有经过声明。当程序中有Option Explicit语句时,如果函数和变量没有经过声明,就会出现这个错误。

为了避免写错变量名引起的麻烦,可以规定,只要遇到一个未经过声明就当作变量的名字,Visual Basic都发出错误警告。要显式声明变量,可在类模块、窗体模块的声明段中加入Option Explicit的语句。

Option Explicit语句的作用范围只限于语句所在模块,所以,对每个Visual Basic强制显式变量声明的窗体模块、标准模块及类模块,必须把Option Explicit语句放在这些模块的声明段中。

从【工具】菜单中选择【选项】命令,再选择【编辑器】选项卡,最后再选中【要求变量声明】复选框。这样可以在任何新模块中自动插入Option Explicit语句。在工程内部,只能用打字的方法向现有模块添加Option Explicit语句。

十、Expressing Love: A Short and Heartfelt Declaration

Love is a universal language that transcends borders and cultures. Whether you are in a long-term relationship, just starting to date someone, or wanting to confess your feelings to a special person, expressing love in a concise yet profound manner can be a powerful way to connect with someone.

The Art of a Short and Heartfelt Declaration

When it comes to expressing love, choosing the right words is crucial. A short and heartfelt declaration not only leaves a lasting impression but also conveys your emotions succinctly. Here are a few tips to help you craft a meaningful declaration:

  • Be sincere: Your words should come from the heart and reflect your true feelings. Avoid cliches or generic phrases.
  • Use vivid language: Paint a picture with your words, using vivid descriptions that evoke emotions and create a sense of intimacy.
  • Focus on specific qualities: Highlight the qualities and traits that you admire in the person. This shows that you have been paying attention to them and appreciate them for who they are.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid using complex or overly poetic language. A simple and straightforward declaration is often more impactful.
  • Consider the context: Tailor your declaration to the relationship and the individual. The tone and depth of your words may vary depending on the stage of your relationship.

An Example of a Short and Heartfelt Declaration

Here is an example of a short and heartfelt declaration that captures the essence of love:

"From the moment I met you, my world became brighter. Your smile melts away my worries, your laughter brings joy to my soul. Your kindness and compassion inspire me to be a better person. I am grateful for every moment we spend together, and I want you to know that my love for you grows stronger every day. You are my happiness, my rock, and my forever."

Remember that this is just an example and it is important to personalize your declaration based on your own experiences and feelings.

In Conclusion

Expressing love through a short and heartfelt declaration can be a powerful way to connect with someone and convey your emotions. By being sincere, using vivid language, focusing on specific qualities, keeping it simple, and considering the context, you can create a declaration that is both meaningful and memorable. Remember, love is a beautiful journey, and sharing your feelings is a step towards forming a deeper connection with the person you cherish.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has provided you with insights and inspiration to express your love in a concise and profound manner. May your declaration be filled with love and bring you closer to the person who holds your heart.

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